Make a Programming Cable

  1. USB to UART Cable
  2. Pinouts
  3. USB to Serial on eBay
  4. References

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  6. Installing the Simoco P25 CPS or the FPP
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  8. Making-a-Programming-Cable
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  11. Updating the Simoco SRM9030plus with P25 Functionallity
  12. The P25 Digital Mode
  13. Glossary

Programming cabes can be made from a discarded data cable and a USB to serial module.


USB to UART Cable

There are lots of USB to TTL uarts to choose from.

This one ia a module with a USB-C connector, t has a ftdi 2309-C chipset.

A spare data cable with a RJ45 plug soldered to the usb/uart module.

Shrink Warp added to protect the module and finished the cable.
This is a Silicon Labs CP2102 chipset.




USB to Serial on eBay




Microphone/Handset Connectors: SRM9000-RJ45-Pinout.pdf

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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