Updating Simoco to P25 - Firmware Updates

  1. Firmware Updates
  2. SIMOCO Authorisation Code Updater
  3. Install the CheatEngine Application
  4. Upgrading Simoco Firmware to P25
  5. Activating the P25 board

Related Pages:
  1. The Simoco SRM9030plus Radio Transceiver
  2. The Simoco SRM9030plus Teardown
  3. The Simoco SRM9030plus Radio Head Unit
  4. Alignment Tool
  5. DMAP - Dual Mobile Application Processor Board
  6. Installing the Simoco P25 CPS or the FPP
  7. Installing Simoco FM CPS or FPP
  8. Making-a-Programming-Cable
  9. Programming an Analogue Radio
  10. Loading Profile Data from csv files
  11. Updating the Simoco SRM9030plus with P25 Functionallity
  12. The P25 Digital Mode
  13. Glossary


Firmware Updates

To operate in P25 mode the radio must be fitted with an IMBE MAB2 board. This is a small board about 10 cm by 30 cm mounted on the mqin board of the radio with a DB9 at one end. Look for the DB9 protuding from the rear of the radio or inspect the information tab in the programming software.


Next, determine the radio's firmware status by displaying the Radio Information screen. This screen indicates that this radio has already been upgraded to IMBE P25 and has been activated. Furthermore, the radio has a PLA Config at V3.31. so this radio needs no further uopdates and is ready to use.


For radio that are not completed follow the procedure below:


SIMOCO Authorisation Code Updater


Install the CheatEngine Application

Install the ChearEngine Application on a Windows platform and plug the programming cable into the radio and powerup the radio.

cheat-engine-logo.png Cheat Engine:



Upgrading Simoco Firmware to P25

Make sure the IMBE MAB2 Mobile board is inserted and detected in the radio. Check the radio is set to Power-on Mode P25 using the FPP standard software. If the radio has a Trunk Profile delete the trunk from radio first and set it to Power on in P25 mode.


Now open the P25 Software – This process requires the IMBE MAB2 Mobile board to be detected.

Check the following:
  1. The radio has to have the correct PLA code, PLA Config: 5/2/2007 V3.31, loaded to support the MAB 2 board.
    Depending on the Hardware revision use the appropriate PA version:
  2. This can be uploaded using the ”Software Alignment Tool”.
    Do NOT update the radio to the latest MAB 4 support as you cannot downgrade the PLA Code.
  3. Upload the P25 Software to the radio.
    In the options (Get File) select the 99as_639 file.
    If that is not available try 99as_639.
  4. Then select Download.
  5. MAB P25 Application software to V2.30.39
    In Options (Get File) select P25MAB2SV023039
    Then select Download. (This may take some time to complete).
  6. MAB P25 Sw Upgrade.
    In Options (Get File) select SWUMAB2V0300
    Then select Download.


Activating the P25 board

The objective is to locate, for the radio we are upgrading licence number, in the running process "Authorisation Code Loader" application's memory. Once located we appempting to change the radio "burnt-in" serial number to the serial number for which we have the activation code.

We can change the process's memory as much as we like and nothing will be permenant until we sucessfully run the Authorisation. Seconds latter the process will refresh with the original serial number and no one will know that we used another serial number to Activate the P25 mode in the radio.

The steps are:
  1. Plug in the Simoco head and turn the radio on, then unplug the RJ45 head and plug in the programming cable.
  2. Now open the SIMOCO Authorisation Code Loader application. Once again the P25 IMBE MAB2 Mobile board has to be detected.
  3. When the Authorisation Code Loader application loads select Options -->Port and select the relevant comms port from the dropdown box.


  4. Select OK then Enter and the radio's "burnt in" serial number should appear in the box. If you get the message "UNSUPPORTED MAP27 DEVICE" you have the wrong comms port.


  5. Load the Activation Keys into the Authorisation Code Loader so we are ready to hit Activate before memory is refreshed. Note that the "known" serial number and it's matching keys have been obfuscated in the image.


  6. Open Notepad and copy the radios real "burnt-in" serial number from the Athorisation Code Loader to Notepad.


  7. Open CheatEngine and Select File -->Open Process. Then, in the Appications tab search for SIMOCO - Authotisation Code Loader and Select Open


  8. Then select the Memory Viewer


  9. Highlite the radios "burn-in" serial number and copy it into the clipboard memory.
  10. Move to the CheatEngine's memory view window and use Ctrl-F or Search -->File Memory from the menu. paste the serial number from the clipboard and the memory view will change to show the first instance of serial number in the process's running memory.

  11. The serial number in the Authorisation Code Loader shoud change to the serial number you just pasted. If it dose not then it is not the correct memory location and you must search for the next instant of the serial number by repeating the search.

  12. If it is the correct location the Authorisation Loader will change to the pasted "known" serial number. You have about one second to hit the Activate button to complete the authorisation before memory is refreshed.

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20240709 - pre published v0.9