Glossary for P25

  1. Glossary

Related Pages:
  1. The Simoco SRM9030plus Radio Transceiver
  2. The Simoco SRM9030plus Teardown
  3. The Simoco SRM9030plus Radio Head Unit
  4. Alignment Tool
  5. DMAP - Dual Mobile Application Processor Board
  6. Installing the Simoco P25 CPS or the FPP
  7. Installing Simoco FM CPS or FPP
  8. Making-a-Programming-Cable
  9. Programming an Analogue Radio
  10. Loading Profile Data from csv files
  11. Updating the Simoco SRM9030plus with P25 Functionallity
  12. The P25 Digital Mode
  13. Glossary



SMR - Simoco Mobile Radio
PMR - Private Mobile Radio, Conventional Analog FM
TMR - Trunked Mobile Radio.
MAB - Multi-purpose Application Board or Multi Adaptor Board
MAB1 - Portable Radio Option Board
MAB2 - Mobile Radio Option Board
FPP - Field Personality Programmer (Radio Configuration Programmer)
DES - Data Encryption Standard
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard
P25 - Project 25 See APCO-25
IMBE - Improved Multi-Band Excitation, a voice codec based upon MBE.
APCO-25 - Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO) Project 25.
Project 25 - See APCO-25
CPS - Code Plug Software. Software used to configure radios. Also refered to as personallity or profile editors. What is a codeplug?
DSP - Digital Signal Processing.
PLA - Programmable Gate Array or more correctly, Programmable Logic Array. Wikipedia
SDMT - Simoco Digital Management Terminal
DMAP - Dual Mobile Application Processor option board. A dual head control board.
GPIF - General Purpose InterFace board. Now called DMAP board
C4FM - Compatible 4-Level Frequency Modulation used by P25 phase 1.

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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