When you do not have access to the HTML port 80, then yiu can edit the MMDVM config directly by th ecommand line.
I use sercure shell, ssh or Putty on Windows to login to the Repeater and use the command line to edit /etc/mmdvmhost
file. Fire set the file syste, to read write with "rpi-rw" command and then I use the "sudo vi" command to edit /etc/mmdvmhosts.
This file is separated into stanzas denoted by square brackets with each stanza covering a different are of functionasllity.
As as example, if I wished to change the DMR server address I would. made a copy of the mmdvmhost file to
mmdvmhost.[yyyymmdd]scroll down to the [DMR Network] stanza, find the "Address=" field and make the changes,
adding a comment line, i the format [gnlyyyymmdd commnet], above to remind me of the changes I have made.
The "gnl" is fairly unique so I can quickly search for nay changes I have made and the [yyyymmdd] will let me find the
copied backup file so I can restore to the last working state if I have made a botch up of the job.
It is also handy to make a full config backup.
Server | ID | Server Address | IP Address | Port | Comment |
FreeDMR_Australia | 5051 | hotspot.vkfreedmr.com | | 62031 | https://dashboard.vkfreedmr.com |
FreeDMR_Australia-2 | 5052 | australia.oz-dmr.network | | 62031 | http://vps-14335618.vps.ovh.ca/ |
FreeDMR_Australia-3 | 5053 | hot.vkfreedmr.org | | 62031 |
TG | Name |
505 | National Calling |
5050 | News Nets and Ragchews |
5055 | Central States |
5056 | Western States |
50599 | Dial-A-Node |
50510 | FM RepeaterLink VK/ZL |
50595 | OZ-DMR Australia News & Chat |
TG | Bridge |
505 | ASL560020 XLX299-V YSF30691 |
5050 | ASL560021 XLX299-W YSF82110 |
50599 | ASL560023 |
50510 | ASL572110 XLX299-I |
50595 | YSF50595 |
By standard definition the DIAL paramater in the option string functions like this:
DIAL=0 Turns off Dail-a-TG feature where DIAL=9 Permits Dial-a-TG on time slot 2
and defaults time slot 2 to TG9
Other behaivour is:
Another issues I was having is that the Private Call Hold Timer in the CPS was set to 1 sec,
so the dialed TG was lost 1 second after releasing the PPT. Initially I thought the server was at fault.
The Anytones come set to 1 sec. I now have to set to infinity so I have to change channels to
release the dialed TG. The Setting on the RT3s is default of 4 seconds and a maximium of 7 seconds.
The settings on my OpenGD77 may be different.
Something to check if you are using Dial-a-TG. With the Anytones the setting is found in the
Code Plug Software(CPS):
CPS -> Public -> Optional Setting -> Digital Func -> Private Call Hold Time