This open source application consists of two peices of software and hardware,
the MMDVM application loaded into firmare on the STM32 HAT (Hardware Attached on Top), andfold -w 80 -s >
The Pi-Star web management front end application runs on the Raspberry Pi.
This is often referened to as the "MMDVM" or "Mutli Mode Modem" and
this combined application has been adapted to several pieces of equipment.
They are essentially the same software application.
MMDVM is an open-source Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem
The MMDVM Project is the brain-child of Jonathan G4KLX.
The project is coordinated on the MMDVM Yahoo! Group.
MMDVM is an open-source Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem
software application to allow for the development of homebrew hotspots.
The source code for the MMDVM firmware supports
System Fusion,
and NXDN modes.
It runs on the Arduino Due, the ST-Micro STM32F407-DISCO and STM32F446-NUCLEO,
as well as the Teensy 3.1/3.2/3.5/3.6. What these platforms have in common is
the use of an ARM Cortex-M3 or M4 processor with a clock speed greater than 70 MHz,
and access to at least one analogue to digital converter and one digital to analogue
converter. A Cortex-M7 processor is prefered.
A Video about the construction of the MMDVM Zumspot Libre Kit which is based upon the "Blue Pill" STM32 controller and assembled upon an adapter board.
The Zumspot was an early hardware project of the MMDVM hotspot and most development
appears to be done in and Canada and distributed by Bruce Given, VE2GZI.
However, the Chinese clones are cheap (under $100 Australian) and have become very popular,
dispite their lack of ongoing support. I guess they are almost a throw away item.
A popular Chinese clone of the Zumspot is called the Jumbospot and is available
on many Ebay sites.
It has been often criticised as being unreliable but my unit has worked without fault.
See for details on the Jumbpspot: JumboSpot
I no longer sell anyEquipment/MMDVM Zumspot products this includes the Zumspot pi board, kits and the MMDVM-Pi
please check for more information
Please dont email me for any more information , As I will simply not reply
So long and thanks for all the fish!
Posted by VE2GZI and Company at 2:07 PM
This is a STM32 based daughter board on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.
It is supplied by Repeater Builders in the USA.
Details of the STM-32 MMDVM can be found here:
Repeater Builder's STM32-DVM MMDVM