The VKRDB repeater site is operated by
Bayside District Radio Society Incorporated
and is located on Mt Cotton
Mt. Cotton in South East Queensland
The DMR repeater is a MMDVM shield on A Raspberry Pi Model 3 driving an ICOM
FR-3000 analogue FM repeater.
As at June 2020, the Pi-Star version is V3.4.17. and the currect version at this date is V4.1.2
As at August 2020, the Pi-Star version is still 3.4.17 and the current version at this date is still V4.1.2
Upgrade media is available at
and a detailed explanation on the update and upgrade process is available here:
The ID of this repeater is 505424. See search page for more information.
Note that Network 1 is enable as BM_Australia_5051 at IP address
and is making use of the
to redirect TG9 to the local repeater, 505424 and All the VK-DMR talk groups.
WARNING - Any edits made directly to configuration files will be over written
by the Pi-Star administration screen if the "Apply Change" is selected. To preserve
the manual edits all future edits must be done manually, directly to the configuration files.
Network 2 is enabled as DMR+_IPSC2-Australian at IP address
The ID has been changed to "Id=505999 # actual ID is 505424" in case
someone tries to cut an past with the appropriate edits.