TB7100 RB-STM32-DVM Troubles
- Audio Signal Properties
- Timeline of tests
- mmdvmcal Results
- csbk - Controll Signaling Block
- G4KLX Wiki Notes
- MMDVM Specification
- DMR Audio RX Images
- SK2HG - Kalix Radio Club
Related Pages:
TB7100 Repeater
TB7100 Config for the RB-STM32-DVM
TB7100 RB-STM32-DVM Build
The TROUBLE is that the RB-STM32-DVM refuses to decode the RX Audio form the TB7100
repeater. Why?
What can affect the RX Decoding of the DVM?
- Amplitude (mV)
The STM32-DVM will saturate the MMDVM ADC input at signals much stronger than -30dBm.
Too low and ADC will fail on weaker signals
- Frequency offset (Hz)
- Phase shift or Signal Delay - This is the most difficult to get correct
1 mSec per 25 DMRDelay
Each signal frame is about 3.5 mSec or 87.5 DMRDelay
- DC Offset (mV)
- Signal invert (logical)
Audio Signal Properties
The audio signal to decode is:
- Channel spacing: 12.5 kHz
- TDMA: Two slots using time division
- RF modulation: 4FSK
- Symbol rate: 4800 symbols per second
- Symbol time: 1/4800 = 208μS (milli seconds)
- FSK frequencies: +1944, +648, -648, -1944 Hz
Timeline of tests
- 2020-01-31 - Analyse mmdvmcal results
- 2020-01-31 - run more mmdvm cal tests
- 2020-02-02 - Understand SAM ADC conversion on RX chain.
- What should I see on TP1, TP2, TP3
- Look at specs of MCP6002
mmdvmcal Results
select w to turn on debug messages
Setect b to place the DVM in BER receive Mode
PPT on the hand held to transmit into the repeater
- BER - Bit Error Rate
- FEC - Forward Error Correction
- DVM - Digital Voice Modem
- DMO - Direct Mode Operation
csbk - Controll Signaling Block
If its derives, check to TCXO output with a scope. The sinus level must be 0-3.3V.
If the 0 is not reach (highest value), you may shorcut C22.
G4KLX Wiki Notes
MMDVM Specification
DMR Audio RX Images
RX Audio at 0.000mS:
RX Audio at 0.033mS:
RX Audio at 0.064mS:
RX Audio at 0.100mS:
RX Audio at 0.131mS:
SK2HG - Kalix Radio Club
Kalix Radioklubb C/O Sture Bylund
Kajvägen 5
Page managed by SM2OAN
SK2HG - Tait TB7100 as DMR repeater:
Adjusting the RX settings was much more diffcult, I did not found any info about
how the MMDVM.ini file should look like for TB7100. The TB7100 has DSPs in both
the TX and RX path so the signals are delayed. This was no problem with my first
DMR project, the GM-340 based Repeater.
Before struggeling with the RX path I decide to open the Squelch as the Audio
output was squelched. It had to be done with the Tait calibration program (TB71_CAL)
not with the normal CPS program (TB71_XPA), by setting a low value for squelch
opening, I think I put -136 dBm there. After a lot of trying I found the settings
below to work. I have used them for both repeaters with very good result.
K2IE - MMDVMCal - Duplex Hotspot Reliability Revisited:
K9NPX - Hotspot Offset Calibration - February 05, 2019:
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20220201 - pre published v0.9