- Digital started with the P25 mode. DMR was developed to provide for more users using
less spectrum with better privacy (encryption).
- The standards were co-ordinate by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, ETSI
- Motorola developed Mototubo for commercial use
- Amatuers developed BrandMeister (Europe), DMR-MARC, DMRPlus, IPSC2+, FreeDMR and a host of others variants
- In 2010, after many years of confusion, the world agreed on a single Radio-ID issuing authority, RadioID.net
- Jonthon Naylor, G4KLX, reverse engineered many Digital Modes and assisted in the
development of the Multi Mode Digital Voice Modem (MMDVM) allowing for a low cost entry for Amateur by
using Group Calls and simplex hotspots bastardise the network.
Glenn Lyons VK4PK glenn@LyonsComputer.com.au Version:1.0 VK4PK Home