Short Wave Listening

  1. Tecsun Radio
  2. Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race Frequencies


Tecsun Radio

Tecsun Shortwave Radio Online:


Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race Frequencies

HF and shortwave radio enthusiasts can listen in to position and weather reports during the race by monitoring the following frequencies:
Primary HF frequency: 4483 kHz USB
Secondary frequency: 6516 kHz USB
6516 kHz USB is constantly monitored by the relay vessel. Weather forecasts (Bureau of Meteorology):
4426 kHz, 8176 kHz, 12365 kHz and 16546 kHz, USB at 1030, 1430 and 1830 AEST daily, 2201 kHz, 6507 kHz, 8176 kHz and 12365 kHz USB at 0230, 0630 and 2230 AEST daily.
Tasmanian weather forecasts on the above frequencies at: 1130 and 1530 AEST
Tasmanian maritime radio: 2524 kHz, 4146 kHz, and 6627 kHz USB at 0745, 1345, 1633 and 1903 AEST
Position reports: 4483 kHz USB at 1835, and 0635AEST daily


Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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