B - Report elevation
C - Report azimuth
C2 - Report azimuth and elevation
S - Stop all rotation
A - Stop azimuth rotation
E - Stop elevation rotation
L - Rotate azimuth left (CCW)
R - Rotate azimuth right (CW)
D - Rotate elevation down
U - Rotate elevation up
Mxxx - Move to azimuth
Wxxx yyy - Move to azimuth xxxx and elevation yyy
X1 - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 1
X2 - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 2
X3 - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 3
X4 - Change to azimuth rotation speed setting 4
O - Azimuth offset calibration
F - Azimuth full scale calibration
O2 - Elevation offset calibration
F2 - Elevation full scale calibration
P36 - Switch to 360 degree mode
P45 - Switch to 450 degree mode
Z - Toggle north / south centered mode
H - Help
Backslash Commands
\Ax[xxx][.][xxxx] - manually set azimuth
\Bx[xxx][.][xxxx] - manually set elevation
\C - display clock
\D - activate debug logs
\E - initialize EEPROM
\Fxx - change I/O pin LOW, xx = pin number
\Gxxxxxx - set coordinates using grid square
\Ix[x][x] - set az starting point
\I - display the current az starting point
\Jx[x][x] - set az rotation capability
\J - display the current az rotation capability
\Kx - force disable the az brake even if a pin is defined (x: 0 = enable, 1 = disable)
\K - display the current az brake state
\L - rotate to long path
\Mx - activate or deactivate moon tracking (x: 0 = deactivate, 1 = activate)
\Nxx - change I/O pin HIGH, xx = pin number
\Oyyyymmddhhmm - set clock (enter UTC time, not local time)
\P - park antenna
\Q - Save settings in the EEPROM and restart
\R - remote port receive sniff activate/deactivate
\S[string] - send text out remote port
\T - remote port transmit sniff activate/deactivate
\Ux - activate or deactivate sun tracking (x: 0 = deactivate, 1 = activate)
\V[-]x[.][x][x][x]- configure clock timezone offset in hours
\Wxxyyy - turn on pin PWM; xx = pin number, yyy = PWM value (0-255)
\XM - calibrate azimuth and elevation to current moon position
\XS - calibrate azimuth and elevation to current sun position
\X0 - clear calibration to defaults
\Y - query AutoPark status
\Yx[x][x][x] - deactivate or activate AutoPark and set timer time
\Z - suspend automatic remote commands
\+ - azimuth LCD display mode switch: normal, raw degrees, +overlap
This product was developed by Simon Brown (HB9DRV),
http://www.ham-radio.ch/ and is no longer supported by him. Simon is now
IW5EDI, http://www.iw5edi.com/.
In 2012 the product was sold with all rights to HRD Software, LLC from Prosper,
Texas, USA. Their fancy web site is:
https://www.hamradiodeluxe.com/. So, Ham Radio Deluxe is now a fully
commercialised product sold under licenced by HRD Software, LLC from Prosper,
Texas, USA. The current version from HRD Software, as at February 2019, is v6.5.0.183
See this article for further details on the "free" version:
The last "free" version of HRD was Ham Radio Delux V.5.24.38 cicra 2012.
To obtian the "free" version, search the internet for "ham-radio-deluxe-5-24-38.exe"
It is getting harder to find but is still around.
Minimum Requirements: - Windows 7 or newer - .NET Framework 4.0 - Adobe Flash Player AX - 2.0GHz Dual-Core or better - 2GB of RAM (4.0GB recommended)The install Process also installs Eltina application https://www.eltima.com/
The application alows selection of sites. The sites then require registration
and often access fees such as club memberships
RemoteHams is a community of on-line radios throughout the world. Many hams around the work make their radios available via the internet so that other hams and SWL's can listen to radios throughout the world.
One click update vpn azimuth map cluster of rotators antenna switching wiki smartphone
Software running on the Raspberry PI and configuring Linux programs through a web
interface for use with your remote station.
All software is the Open-source.
or audio transfer you can use remoteAudio from DH1TW - required MQTT broker available run from web interface RemoteQTH server.
remoteAudio is a cross plattform audio streaming application, built for Amateur
Radio purposes. The most typical use case for this software is the remote
operation of an amateur radio station. remoteAudio is written in Go.
remoteAudio supports multiple users and multiple audio sources (e.g. radios).
This means that with a single click a user can switch between audio sources.
At any time multiple clients can listen simultaneously on the same radio,
although remoteAudio only allows one user to transmit.
Tobias Wellnitz, dh1tw remoteAudio is a cross plattform audio streaming
application, built for Amateur Radio purposes. The most typical use case for
this software is the remote operation of an amateur radio station.
remoteAudio is written in Go.
This is an Arduino-based rotator interface that interfaces a computer to a rotator or rotator controller, emulating the Yaesu GS-232A/B, Easycom, and DCU-1 protocols