50 Watt SinoSolar Panels
- Specifications
- Testing
- Brand: SinoSolar
- Model: SA50-36/72
- Serial No: SA09120306 and SA09120315
- Max System Voltage: 1000V
- Stand test Conditions: 1000W/SqM, AM1.5,25°C
- Max Power: 50W
- Max Power Voltage: 18V
- MAx Power Current: 2.78V
- Open Circuit Voltage: 21.6V
- Short Circuit Current: 3.05A
- Net Weight: 6.5Kg
- Size (L/B/T): 810 x 534 x 35 mm
- Tempreature range: -40°C to +85°C
- Frame material Aluminium
- Output Tolerance: ±5%
Both panels were similar:
Voltage: 21 Volts
Current: 3.2 Amps
Wattage: 67.2
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20191206 - pre published v0.9