barc-logo.webp Brisbane Amateur Radio Club

  1. Frequency Asignments
  2. AllStarLink Node 54032
  3. Parrot service on 145.225 MHz
  4. 70CM VK4RMC Mt Coot tha
  5. My attempt at a new mordernistic logo for the Brisbane Amateur Radio Club


Frequency Asignments

Brisbane Amateur Radio Club Incorporated (54163) assigned frequencies:
LicenceFrequency *Emission B/W Modulation Mod. Nature Mod. Type Application
7464639438.725 MHzT11K3F9W11.3KHzStraight FMDigital/AnalogueTelephony/DataFuture Project
7464640431.725 MHzR11K3F9W11.3KHzStraight FMDigital/AnalogueTelephony/DataFuture Project
7464641145.225 MHzT16K0F9W16.0KHzStraight FMDigital/AnalogueTelephony/DataParrot
7464642145.225 MHzR16K0F9W16.0KHzStraight FMDigital/AnalogueTelephony/DataParrot
7464643439.950 MHzT16K0F3E16.0KHzStraight FMSingle Analogue Telephony DMR Repeater
7464644434.950 MHzR16K0F3E16.0KHzStraight FMSingle Analogue Telephony DMR Repeater
7464645147.325 MHzT16K0F9W16.0KHzStraight FMDigital/AnalogueTelephony/DataAnalogue Repeater
7464646147.925 MHzR16K0F9W16.0KHzStraight FMDigital/AnalogueTelephony/DataAnalogue Repeater

Source: and

Note 1. The Wide Band 147.925 Mhz, Offest -5 MHz repeater operates in reverse to that desiginated in the licence. That is transmitting on 147.925 MHz and receiving on 147.325 Mhz to avoid claimed interference from nearby telecommunications transmitters and or pagers. This has been in place for many years and was setup this way when I joined the club in 2020.

Note 2. Contrary to the listing in the table the 438.725/431.725 MHz pair host the digital services (DMR and P25 at present) and the 439.950/434.950 MHz pair host the FM Analoue repeater.

Note 3. 11K3F9W indicates

Note 4. 16K0F3E indicates


I have commissioned a AllStarLink Node on the VHF repeater at the Roachdale Scout Group VK4BA clubhouse and radio room. This is an ICOM FR5000 147.925 MHz, with an offset of -600 KHz, and a CTCSS tone of 91.5 Hz, operating at medium power.

The project was operational on the UHF FR6000 for some time, however, it is now operation on the VHF FR5000 repeater, and linked to the VK3RBA Victorian Link Network.

The AllStarLink module is build by VK4PK with an RPi and a Repeater Builder (N3XCC) USB-RIM Lite (2016), Repeater Builder RB RIM Lite.html

This AllStarLink Node is now suspended pending a committee decision regarding continue funding the project.


Parrot service on 145.225 MHz

The club maintains a Parrot service on simplex 145.225 MHz with no tones so please test your VHF radios. This as a Yaesu/FT1500M/FT1500M.html controlled by an Argent Data Systems ADS SR1 Simplex Repeater. It's coverage is liminted to the local RF range.


70CM VK4RMC Mt Coot tha

The club has an informal agreement with Andrew VK4QF to adpot the 439.975 repeater on Mt Coot tha for club purposes. All amateurs still wecome, of course. VK4RMC 70cm repeater transmitts on 439.975 MHz and recieves on 434.975 MHz with a tone of 91.5 Hz. It is sponsored by VK4QF and has excellent coverage of the greater Brisbane area. It is P25 enabled, however, it is not network linked so communications are limited to RF coverage. Project 25


To explain; the black lines show the club's geographic reach. This is the area we represent/service the best. An ambitious paddock from the main range to the far left and to Moreton bay to the right. The red circle is the centre of our communication radiating out to the world. The Brisbane river runs through the middle into the Bay. On the left is Mt Coot-tha with the TV towers (A bit figurative but convey a message for radio waves. Mt Cotton is on the right with a single tower. You get the idea. In the end the club decided to go for a more traditional style for their logo. I make no claims to being an artist.


Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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