
  1. Meshtastic - A Mesh Network
  2. Meshtasic Web Sites
  3. Install "esptool" on Ubuntu
  4. Installing Firmware on Heltec Tracker (esp32s3) using esptool
  5. meshtastic CLI on Ubuntu
  6. Configure the Configs
  7. Configure Network (WIFI, Bluetooth, Serial)
  8. Configure LoRa - Long Range Wireless Communication
  9. Configure mqtt - Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
  10. Other Usefull Meshtastic Commands
  11. Meshtastic on the Command Line
  12. Meshtastic Web Client
  13. Meshtastic on Linux
  14. Meshtastic on Android
  15. Videos
  16. Notes
  17. Channels
  18. Protobufs
  19. Location and Coverage Maps
  20. Appendix A: A list mestastic "preferences" attributes (but no "config" attributes!)

Related Pages:
  1. R25-heltec Hardware

I have predominatly explored the Meshtastic Command Line Interface setup method on Ubuntu 24.10, with some reference to the Web Client and the Andriod Application, using the Heltec HTIT-Tracker V1.1 loaded with the esp32s3- version of the firmware.

Chipsets on the Heltec are:


Meshtastic - A Mesh Network

An open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh network built to run on affordable, low-power devices

It’s a mesh network – a set of interconnected radio devices – for communication of short text messages and small data packets. The data is usually used to share device locations and related information. This makes it perfect for chatting and sharing where you are, or for tracking objects and vehicles. It also has other, more specialised uses.


Meshtasic Web Sites

Mestastic Home Page: https://meshtastic.org/
The Australian Meshtastic Home page: https://meshtastic.au/wp/?page_id=47
Meshtastic Configuration: https://meshtastic.org/docs/configuration/
Meshtastic Python CLI Guide: https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/


Install "esptool" on Ubuntu


Installing Firmware on Heltec Tracker (esp32s3) using esptool

Requires USB-C data cable for serial connection and power.

Other methods for flashing the ESP32 Devices:

Firmware download Page: https://meshtastic.org/downloads/


Install the meshtastic CLI on Ubuntu

All testing was performed on the Heltec Tracker v1.1. (Heltec V3). See: R25-heltec.html

System Platform Enviorment:
Platform: Linux-6.8.0-51-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.39
Release: 6.8.0-51-generic
Machine: x86_64
Encoding (stdin): utf-8
Encoding (stdout): utf-8
meshtastic: v2.5.11
Executable: /home/glenn/.local/bin/meshtastic
Python: 3.12.3 CPython GCC 13.3.0


Configure the Configs

Meshtastic is divided into two groups of parameters; Configs and Preferences. The Preference are grouped with a prefix, eg "lora.", "network.", or "mqtt.". They use the command formats --get <value> and --set <value> The config are more random meshrastic verbs as can be seen below. They can be referenced using --info | grep <value> and --export-config and the output is json format. I am not sure how to obtain the complete set of either. I do think the Version of the meshtastic cli has to closly match the firmware version to be reliable, I have the meshtastic cli version 2.5.11 and firmware version 2.5.18. I am hoping that is close enough.


Configure Network (WIFI, Bluetooth, Serial)


Configure LoRa - Long Range Wireless Communication

Frequency Slot Calculator:


The transmit frequency ranges employed are specific to each Region and

The Spread Spectrum Frequenies for MY_433 that is set to LONG_FAST:
  1. 433.125 MHz
  2. 433.375 MHz
  3. 433.625 MHz
  4. 433.625 MHz
  5. 434.125 MHz
  6. 434.375 MHz
  7. 434.625 MHz
  8. 434.875 MHz

This table shows the numberic value for each of the Region Codes. The meshtastic CLI used numberic values and alph-numeric codes to address the regions:

Range (MHz)
Cycle (%)
Limit (dBm)
0UNSET Unset n/a n/a n/a
1US United States 902.0 - 928.0 100 30
2EU_433 European Union 433MHz 433.0 - 434.0 10 12
3EU_868 European Union 868MHz 869.4 - 869.65 10 27
4CN China 470.0 - 510.0 100 19
5JP Japan 920.8 - 927.8 100 16
6ANZ Australia & New Zealand 915.0 - 928.0 100 30
7KR Korea 920.0 - 923.0 100
8TW Taiwan 920.0 - 925.0 100 27
9RU Russia 868.7 - 869.2 100 20
10IN India 865.0 - 867.0 100 30
11NZ_865 New Zealand 865MHz 864.0 - 868.0 100 36
12TH Thailand 920.0 - 925.0 100 16
13LORA_242.4 GHz band worldwide 2400.0 - 2483.5100 10
14UA_433 Ukraine 433MHz 433.0 - 434.7 10 10
15UA_868 Ukraine 868MHz 868.0 - 868.6 1 14
16MY_433 Malaysia 433MHz 433.0 - 435.0 100 20
17MY_919 Malaysia 919MHz 919.0 - 924.0 100 27
18SG_923 Singapore 923MHz 917.0 - 925.0 100 20


Configure mqtt - Message Queuing Telemetry Transport


Other Usefull Meshtastic Commands

Useful Meshtastic Commands


Meshtastic on the Command Line


Meshtastic Web Client

Meshtastic Web Flasher: https://flasher.meshtastic.org/

Mestastic Web Desktop: https://client.meshtastic.org/


Meshtastic on Linux

Linux Native Application: https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/linux-native/

meshtastic --setlat -27.6421 --setlon 153.4135 --setalt 20 # turn off gps and set fixed location manually meshtastic --set-canned-message "Hi from VK4PK" # Standard messageimal value. Use --info | grep for text label

Meshtastic on Android

Use playstore to install Meshtastic App



How LoRa Modulation really works - long range communication using chirps:
How LoRa Modulation really works - long range communication using chirps: https://youtu.be/aWtqm7lbYoo



  1. A wifi pasword beginning "0" and is all numeric, when set with CLI fails with the message "4WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT", which in this case means wrong password as the leading zero is dropped.

  2. Mestastic will not pipe into "less" but will pipe into more.
    eg the command "mestaitic --info | less" fails.
  3. The "--set lora.region" and "--set-ham" commands change other paramates.
    What are they?
  4. "--get >preference<" commands, as opposed to --get->preference< (note the space), does not work for config-type attributes. It only works for preference-type attributes.

  5. When a command fails the message is headed:
    "LocalConfig and LocalModuleConfig do not have attribute owner." Why? What does this imply?

  6. A "--get device.role" returns "0" when set to "CLIENT"
  7. After many hours of work I decided to set the lora.region. After much experimenting, (I should have downloaded the source code and extracted the headers instead of experimenting .) I found the CLI set command requires a decimal number eg ANZ is "6" and MY_433 is "16". The get command returns the same number if set correctly, However, the "meshtastic get --info | grep region" returns the enumerated string, eg "MY_433".Anyway, I set this preference to "13" or LORA_24 and now the reboot will not complete and the white LED stays brightly lit and the flag page keeps reappearing. Now I will have to reload the firmware and reset all the configs and preferences. These heltec units do seem a little FLAKY! The set may not be the cause of the fault. MOre testing is required.

    This is CONFIRMED. Setting the lora.region to LORA_24 prevent the Heltec Tracker 433 from completing the boot. I know it is the wrong freq but it should handle it better than that. My fw vers is "firmware-esp32s3-" if you want to try this at home.



The "meshtastic --info" has these lines as the last of the output. What are the implications?

  Index 0: PRIMARY psk=default { "psk": "AQ==", "moduleSettings": { "positionPrecision": 13, 
  "isClientMuted": false }, "channelNum": 0, "name": "", "id": 0, "uplinkEnabled": false, 
  "downlinkEnabled": false }

Primary channel URL: https://meshtastic.org/e/#CgcSAQE6AggNEgwIATgQQANIAVAUaAE



Meshtastic Protobuf Definitions: https://buf.build/meshtastic/protobufs/docs/main:meshtastic
Heltec Protobufs fork: https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/protobufs?tab=readme-ov-file


Location and Coverage Maps

BDARS Meshtastic Map:

Liam Cottle's interactive map of all Meshtastic nodes:

The Meshtastic.org Coverage Map: https://site.meshtastic.org/

To generate a coverage map:
  1. Plug in the Lat and Long and other parameters as required,
  2. Select Center Map
  3. Select Run Simulator and wait https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/protobufs?tab=readme-ov-file

Another godd coverage map is: https://www.heywhatsthat.com/


Appendix A: A list mestastic "preferences" attributes (but no "config" attributes!)

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20240401 - pre published v0.9