- Pi-Home
- My Pi-Star settings for VKDMR
- Local Dashboard and Log Monitoring
- Hotspot/Dongle Frequencies
- ZumSpot Setup
- Source Archives
- Firmware Update
- Pi-Star Update Dialogue
- A strategy to set up a Pi-Star as DMRGateway for Australia
- Homebrew repeater protocol
- Startup Options for DMRGateway
- MMDVM.ini Startup Options
- A Special Options String
- Direct Mode Operation (DMO)
- The UK's Phoenix Server
- Pi-Star Dashboard for Mobiles Phones
- Unlinking Reflectors
- To link/unlink to a given reflector from the command line
- Discuss DMRlink, DMRmonitor, HBlink, DVSwitch and DMRDongle
- BrandMeister Dashboard and API
- Received signal strength indication (RSSI)
- Build Your Own MMDDVM
- Pi-Star FAQ
- Throttling Pi-star to conserve network data
- New Australian DMR+IpSC2 settings 28 October 2018
- Pi-Star's MMDVMCal utility
- ZumSpot Setup
- Firmware Update
- Phoenix-F sMaster
- Pi-Star Dashboard for Mobiles
- DMRplus IPSC Protocol Specification for Homebrew DMR Repeaters
- Discuss DMRlink, DMRmonitor, HBlink, DVSwitch and DMRDongle
- Build Your own MMDDVM
- DMR-UK.net
- pi-star Update Dialogue
- Pi-Star Services
- Throttling Pi-star to conserve network data
- Time Zones Settings
- Gateway Issue
- Adding a profile to the Host file
My Pi-Star settings for VKDMR
These are the setting of my Pi-Star JumboSpot for operating on the VKDMR Network:
Local Dashboard and Log Monitoring
If the hotspot running Pi-Star is on the same network then this will display the dashboard:
To monitor the log file:
Hotspot/Dongle Frequencies
The Australian Bandplan designates 439.125 and 439.150 for digital/internet gateways
Hotspots may be considered as gateway devices.
Note that 439.200 is assigned for digital simplex operation, and 435.000 to 438.000
used internationally for satellite communication, which can be disrupted by even low power hotspot.
Manufacturers' default frequencies are:
- Propriety Units:
- DV4 Mini (DV4 channels): 436.000 MHz
- DV Mega (DVm channels): 431.000 MHz
- MMDVM Simplex hotspots:
- HS-S vkdmr: 439.125 MHz
- HS-S BM : 439.175
- Duplex boards:
- HS_D vkdmr: Radio RX 439.950, Radio TX 432.950
- HS_D BM: Radio RX 438.950, Radio TX 431.950
ZumSpot Setup
Source Archives
The G4KLX Jonthon Naylor Software Suite:
- [MMDVMHost](https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVMHost),
- [ircDDBGateway](https://github.com/g4klx/ircDDBGateway),
- [YSFGateway](https://github.com/g4klx/YSFClients),
- [P25Gateway](https://github.com/g4klx/P25Clients),
- [DMRGateway](https://github.com/g4klx/DMRGateway),
- [NXDNGateway](https://github.com/g4klx/NXDNClients),
- [DAPNETGateway](https://github.com/g4klx/DAPNETGateway) and
- [MMDVMCal](https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVMCal)
Andy Taylor Software:
Firmware Update
MMDNV Firmware for STMM32 ZUMspot/MMDVM_HS v1.3.7:
These are the source files for building the MMDVMHost, the program that
interfaces to the MMDVM or DVMega on the one side, and a suitable network
on the other. It supports D-Star, DMR, P25 Phase 1, NXDN, and System Fusion
on the MMDVM, and D-Star, DMR, and System Fusion on the DVMega.
On the D-Star side the MMDVMHost interfaces with the ircDDB Gateway, on DMR
it can connect to BrandMeister, DMR+, HB Link, XLX or DMRGateway (to connect
to multiple DMR networks at once) on System Fusion it connects to the YSF
Gateway. On P25 it connects to the P25 Gateway.
How to set jumper:
Updating the JumboSpot by John's Musings:
Pi-Star Update Dialogue
A strategy to set up a Pi-Star as DMRGateway for Australia
The three basic Digital Contacts programmed in as Group calls:
- [Name] TG9 BM, with Call ID 9
- [Name] TG8 DMR+ with Call ID 8
- [Name] TG6 XLX with Call ID 6
There are three corresponding channels in the transceiver for talking to your hotspot:
All 3 must be no scan list, no Group list, CC1, Repeater Slot 2, TOT[s] 180
- [Chan.name] BM TG9 DmrG, Contact Name same as TS2 TG9 BM
- [Chan.name] DMR+ TG8 DmrG, Contact Name TG 8 DMR+
- [Chan.name] XLX TG6 DmrG, Contact name TG 6 XLX
Now add a zone called DmrGateway (or your hotspot name) and put all 3 channels in it.
When you switch to this zone to use the hotspot, you can decide if you want to use
BM, DMR+ or XLX by **channel selection**.
To change reflectors or modules use the keypad, Menu--> Contacts--> 3 Manual Dial
and you will find yourself with a clear white screen headed "Radio Number".
This is where you type your commands. A press of the ptt for a moment will cause
the reflector change to take place.
There is a bit of important info here:-
Calls to BM are as usual ie 4000, 5000, 4404 etc. (but they could be put in as
94000, 95000, 94404 etc.
Calls to DMR+ must have an 8 in front as in 84000, 85000, 84400
Calls to XLX must have a 6, as in 64001,64002,64003...64026 to switch between modules
(reflectors?) A to Z Note that XLX925 is a master. To switch master, from XLX925 to
XLX950 the prefix is 68 so the call would be 68950. The xlx masters have a default
reflector. For instance, if you switched from XLX950 to XLX925 you'd end up
dumped in default reflector D, so then you must call 64001 to switch to XLX925/A
to bask in the CQ-UK sunshine.
Homebrew repeater protocol
Startup Options for DMRGateway
When using DMRGateway, the default reflector, is set in the 'Options' box on the configuration page.
Options-parameter can be set in two places:
- MMDVM.ini in [DMR Network]-section or,
- The DMR Configuration Screen of the Pi-Star web interface
The default configuration string should be something like this:
An example of a configuration string to enable access to the Tuesday night VK-DMR net is
An example of a configuration string to enable access to CQ-UK is
Hotspots operate in DMO-Mode where there is only one timeslot, therefore the settings are limited.
Startup Options paramaters are:
- StartRef: This is the default reflector in TS2, in example: Refl. 4409
- RelinkTime: This is the time to fall back to the default-reflector if linked to another one and no local traffic is done,
- UserLink: This defines, if users are allowed to link to another reflector (other than defined as startreflector)
1 = allow, and 0 = disallow
- TS1_1: This is the first of 5 talkgroups that could be set static, in example: TG9
- TS1_2: This is the second of 5 talkgroups that could be set static, in example: not used
- TS1_3: This is the third of 5 talkgroups that could be set static, in example: not used
- TS1_4: This is the fourth of 5 talkgroups that could be set static, in example:not used
- TS1_5: This is the fifth of 5 talkgroups that could be set static, in example: not used
Source: https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVMHost/blob/master/DMRplus_startup_options.md
MMDVM.ini Startup Options
You can set some configuration options in the MMDVM.ini file which are send to
the DMR-Master on logon. This options provide the same features like sysops
of "public repeaters" know from the registration database.
The options that you may set are:
StartRef | The reflector which will be connected at startup (4000 means "disconnected") |
RelinkTime | If the reflector is not used the DMR-Master will reconnect to StartRef after this time (in minutes) |
UserLink | Set to 1 to allow users to change the reflector, set to 0 to switch remote control off |
TS1_1 to TS1_5 | 1 to 5 static linked talk groups on timeslot 1 |
The command line in the sample MMDVM.ini looks like this:
In older sample files it may be missing, add it after the last entry of the
block which starts with [DMR Network].
Change the line to this format:
The line starts with "Options=". This is required for MMDVMHost.
The rest of the line is sent transparent to the DMR+Master.
In the sample above the DMR-Master will get this part:
It is a semi-colon separated list of the options which were described before.
- Each command has to be followed by a semicolon ";". Do not forget this at the last one.
- The name of the parameters are case-sensitive. The order does not care.
- Not all parameters need to be present, missing parameters are set from the settings in the DMR-Master.
- The values may be empty if you want to make sure that values from the DMR-Master settings will be cleared.
Example: If the DMR-master provides 5 static talk groups the parameter TS1_5=; (no value) will clear the 5th.
Special limitations apply for DMO mode (hotspots). There is only one timeslots
in DMO-Mode, therefore the settings are limited.
DMR-Master maps the single DMO channel to one of the two timeslot of the
network based on the destination address.
- 1-3 digits talk groups are always mapped to TS1
- Except TG9 which is always mapped to TS2
- 4 digits TG addresses are used for reflector switching, services and
control features and are always mapped to TS2.
This influences the options.
By default a DMO repeater will be connected to a reflector, either given by the
DMR-Master, or by options, or by registration database. If you do not want to
connect to a reflector at startup, but want to book a talk group on TS1,
set StartRef to 4000 (not linked) in the options and set "TG1_1" to your needs.
The DMR+Master will book "TG1_1" if no reflector is set.
"TG1_2" to "TG1_5" are not supported in DMO mode.
Priority of settings:
- For public repeaters with a 6-digit DMR-ID the DMR+settings in the
registration database - if activated - have highest priority.
- For all repeaters which have no settings in the database activated the
"options" in the MMDVM.ini have priority.
- Finally, without database entry and without the options being activated,
or not all parameters set, the settings from the DMR-Master will be used.
The idea with this order is:
Many public repeaters are located at special locations with limited access and
often sysops are no Linux experts.
Therefore the configuration on a web-page may be preferred for public repeaters.
Database settings may easily be switched off if sysops prefer settings by MMDVM
When you connecting to a non-DMR+System deactivate the Options line by inserting a "#" at the 1st position.
A Special Options String
In normal usage the option string, which is specific to the DMR+ network,
allows you to connect and disconnect or not be connected to a reflector by default.
A example of normal Option statement is StartRef=4639;RelinkTime=60;UserLink=1;
However, this particular option string is special.
It is a Special Hack that allows the connection to a DMR+ server
without any default Reflector activated. With DMR+, and no options sent the server
determines the Reflector thats automatically assinged (eg; 4400 for UK servers etc)
The combination of Ref=4000 (no reflector) and TS1_1=9 for Hotspots means no active
There are a couple of things to keep in mind with DMR+
- The network decides if you are in DMO (Hotspot) mode or a Repeater based
on your DMR ID, settings like simplex/duplex are flat out ignored when
that decision is made.
- DMO/Hotspots cannot permalink more than on Talkgroup (TS1_1= field) while
repeaters can link up to 5 per time slot .
- Normally Hotspots are forced to connect to a reflector permanently,
and cannot unlink.
The option line above sets the connected reflector to 4000 (Unlink), the relink time
can probably be omitted, this is the idle timer (in mins) to relink to your chosen
reflectors when idle.
UserLink - as you expect, allows RF link commands.
TS1_1= - linked TG1 is set to TG9,
that sounds weird, since we know that DMO mode uses TS2, and TG9 is a
special one, that is the input TG for connected reflectors. This is just some special
magic combo that makes DMO mode on DMR+ un-linkable.
Direct Mode Operation (DMO)
DMO is the term used by the TETRA industry to describe the ability of TETRA radio terminals
to communicate directly with each other independent of the Trunked Mode Operation (TMO) network. DMO is not new and has been a fundamental mode of operation by many traditional PMR user organisations for several decades.
The UK's Phoenix Server
The UK Phoenix Network is is very similar to the Austrlian VKDMR Network in Australia.
Both use the propriety IPSC2 server software.
Current publicly accessible dashboards used by the Phoenix network:
For Repeaters:
For Hotspots:
Pi-Star Dashboard for Mobiles Phones
Pi-Star mobile Installation
Open SSH Access in your pi-star dashboard in your browser with this link:
Once logged in, copy & paste and execute the following lines (one by one).
To do this right-click in the pi-star window and select "Paste from browser".
A box will appear to paste into. Then select "OK"
Note: You may see some errors as commands are executued, this normal