vim setup
- Cut and Paste the Clipbord
- Mouse
- Edit a Read Only file
- References
Cut and Paste the Clipbord
How do I use the clipboard in Vi?
If Vim is compiled with clipboard support, you can use "+y to copy selected text
to the system clipboard and "+p to paste from it. If clipboard support is unavailable,
you can use terminal-specific shortcuts like Ctrl+Shift+C for copy and Ctrl+Shift+V for paste.
How do I copy and paste between Vi and a GUI editor like Sublime Text?
You can copy from Vi and paste into Sublime Text using your terminal’s clipboard support.
Use "+y to yank text to the system clipboard in Vim and "+p to paste it into Sublime.
How do I enable clipboard support for copy-pasting in Vim?
To enable clipboard support in Vim, make sure you install Vim with +clipboard support.
You can verify this by typing vim --version in the terminal. If it’s not available,
you may need to install a clipboard-enabled version of Vim.
The mouse can be enabled for different modes:
- n - Normal mode and Terminal modes
- v - Visual mode
- i - Insert mode
- c - Command-line mode
- h - all previous modes when editing a help file
- a - all previous modes
- r - for hit-enter and more-prompt prompt
Normally you would enable the mouse in all four modes with mouse=a:
I get best results with mouse=r.
How to copy and paste inside Vim using mouse:
Edit a Read Only file
How to Copy, Cut and Paste in Vi editor:
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl2022 - pre published v0.9