Raspbian Network Setup
- Usefull Network Commands
- Static Network setup
- Wifi Setup
- Manage Network
- Enable Secure Shell
- Default Gateway
- Change IP Address on the fly
- Add User
Usefull Network Commands
Static Network setup
If you wish to disable automatic configuration for an interface and instead
configure it statically, add the details to /etc/dhcpcd.conf.
For example:
Add these lines to the bottom of the file
You can find the names of the interfaces present on your system using the ip link command.
Previous versions of Raspbian used the file /etc/network/interfaces for network interface configuration.
If an interface is listed in this file, any settings there will take precedence over what is in /etc/dhcpcd.conf.
Wifi Setup
Add these lines
Reload and test the connection"
Other setings for /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
- key_mgmt=NONE # if no key is set ie unsecured
- scan_ssid=1 # forces a scan fo rhidden networks
- priority=1 # Set the order of networks
- 5G networking requires the Counrty code to be correctly set in the header section.
Manage Network
Enable Secure Shell
On accesing workstation may have to remove old keys:
cat /etc/resolv.conf
Default Gateway
Change IP Address on the fly
Flush old ip settfings on eth0:
Restart dhcpcd services so that the new ip gets added again:
If connected with ssh, run both commands at the same time with nohup, so do not lose connection.
Add User
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20200324 - pre published v0.9