#!/bin/bash # bldidx.sh - build a web site in $BLDDIR ready for export to live web server # 20180429gnl - Glenn Neil Lyons # Vers 3.0 # # This script builds an index.html with the top level topics using the folders (under Amatuer-Radio) # as the main menu with links to the individual topic content section. The contect section lnk to # the individual content pages. # # ################################ # Check Enviroment ################################# # Check we are root if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ];then echo "This script does not require to be run as root" 1>&2 echo "Please login as the user that maintains the LyonsComputer Web Site." exit 1 fi command -v linkchecker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "'linkchecker' is not installed. Try 'sudo apt install linkchecker'"; exit 1; } command -v sitecopy >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "'sitecopy' is not installed. Try 'sudo apt install sitecopy'"; exit 1; } # must have $ARADIO as base folder of Amateur Radio html files if [ -z $ARADIO ] then echo $0: "Enviorment Variable $ARADIO is not set". exit 1 fi cd $ARADIO # must start here # Change to the working directory if [ "$1x" == "x" ];then operation="build" # do the full build else operation=$1 fi # operation="components" # check components echo "Running in $operation mode". ################################## # Define Varaibles and Initialise ################################## INDEX="index.html" BLDDIR="/home/glenn/www-build" OUTFILE=$BLDDIR/$INDEX dirname=${file%/*} # directory name LOGDIR="00-logs" LOG=$LOGDIR/"bldidx.log" DATE=`date` start=`date +%s` MISFILE=$ARADIO/$LOGDIR/"Missing-Files.txt" MISCNT=0 # count of missing file required to be loaded SKIPPED_PAGES="$ARADIO/$LOGDIR/Skipped_pages.txt" skipped_cnt=0 # html pages without the "VK4PK" string SP=" " SP2="$SP$SP" SP4="$SP$SP$SP$SP" INDENT="" # increment with SP4 for each level down cnt=0 # count the html pages processed COMCNT=0 # count the comonent files required ######################################################################################### # Functions ######################################################################################### ################################################################################################ # Are we ready to go? ################################################################################################ initialise_build() { echo -n "/home/glenn/www-build will be overwritten! PROCEED? [Y|y]" read ans if [ "$ans" != "Y" -a "$ans" != "y" ] then echo "Quitting." exit 1 fi echo Removing $BLDDIR and all its files rm -rf $BLDDIR if [ ! -d $BLDDIR ];then mkdir $BLDDIR fi # Copy stylesheet and setting permissions if [ -f stylesheet-for-amateur-radio.css ] then cp stylesheet-for-amateur-radio.css $BLDDIR else echo "WARNING - canot find file: stylesheet-for-amateur-radio.css" fi # Copy images files if [ -f images/LyonsLogo.png ] then mkdir $BLDDIR/images cp images/LyonsLogo.png $BLDDIR/images/LyonsLogo.png else echo "WARNING - cannot find file: images/LyonsLogo.png" fi # Initialise logs files cat /dev/null > $MISFILE cat /dev/null > $SKIPPED_PAGES } ############################################################################################# # Rotate Logs ############################################################################################# rotate_log() { # rotate the log file echo "Rotating the Log file $LOG" for n in {8..1} do if [ -f $LOG.$n ] then mv -f "$LOG.$n" "$LOG.$((n+1))" fi done if [ -f $LOG ] then mv $LOG $LOG.1 fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$LOG echo "bldidx.sh $DATE">$LOG # Initialise a new log file return } ################################################################################################ # ################################################################################################ build_header() { cat > $OUTFILE << 'EOF' # first output to file so reset file <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <!-- WARNING - This file is generated by bldidx.sh - edit at your peril - IT WILL GET CLOBBERED --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Amateur Radio Station VK4PK - Glenn <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet-for-amateur-radio.css"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/LyonsLogo.png">
<h1 id="home">VK4PK Menu
EOF } ################################################################################################ # Build the top level index Section. Add ".ignore" file to exclude the folder and it's contents ################################################################################################ build_top_index() { cat >> $OUTFILE <<'EOF' " >>$OUTFILE echo "

" >>$OUTFILE echo "
" >>$OUTFILE } ########################################################################### # Copy file Componects to the temporary build folder (www-build) ########################################################################### copy_components() { component="" dirname=${line%/*} # directory name # NOTE linkchecker only report missing links so this script relies on the the build directory not # having the linked files in place untill after the procedure is run # # tell linkchecker "-ocvs" to output in csv format # "2>" dump error messages # "sed '1,4d ; /^# /d' delete all lines 1 to 4 and all "#" comment lines #| cut -d';' -f1` set the delimiter to ";" and select the second field # linkchecker --no-warnings --no-status -ocsv $BLDDIR/$line 2>/dev/null |sed '/^#/d;/^urlname/d' | cut -d';' -f1 # # for component in `linkchecker -ocsv $BLDDIR/$line 2>/dev/null| sed '1,5d ; /^# /d' | cut -d';' -f1` for component in `linkchecker --no-warnings --no-status -ocsv $BLDDIR/$line 2>/dev/null |sed '/^#/d;/^urlname/d' | cut -d';' -f1` do NEEDS=$dirname/$component echo " requires-->"$NEEDS echo " requires-->"$NEEDS >>$LOG let "COMCNT=COMCNT+1" cp --parent $NEEDS $BLDDIR # --parents creates parent folder same as source if [ $? -ne 0 ] then let "MISCNT=MISCNT+1" echo "$line --> $NEEDS" >> $MISFILE fi done } ######################################################################## # Build the contents part of the menu system to link html pages ######################################################################## build_contents() { declare -a array cnt=0 indent="" cd $ARADIO for line in `find * -name "*.html" -print | sort ` do if [ "$line" = "./index.html" ];then continue # skip fi if [ -f $line ] && [ ${line: -5} == ".html" ];then if ! grep -q "VK4PK" "$line" ;then if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then echo $line >> $SKIPPED_PAGES fi ((skipped_cnt++)) continue # skip fi fi # Build an array of directories and files list=`echo $line | sed 's/\// /g'` item="" ((i=-1)) for item in $list do ((i++)) array[$i]=$item done # remove repeat last heading if same as html filename # DO not change $i or $item before this section html_file=${item%.*} # remove the extension part second_last_item="${array[(($i-1))]}" if [[ $second_last_item == $html_file ]];then unset array[$i] # remove the last array[(($i-1))]=$item unset last_array[$i] # remove the last last_array[(($i-1))]=$item fi # Loop through the array and output the appropriate menu lines item="" str="" length=${#array[@]} ((length++)) # Start at 1 not 0 for (( j=0; j<${length}; j++ )); do item=${array[$j]} # Strip off the heading of the section if [[ $j == 0 ]];then # gnl20220114 Special case with one html file/page in the top level directory # The array structure needs to be rewritten but this will work around the poor design # Print a section heding and then a link for the html page if [[ ${array[$j]} = ${last_array[$j]} ]];then html_file=${item%.*} # remove the extension part extension="${array[$j]##*.}" if [ $extension == "html" ];then item_no_ext=${item%.*} # Remove extension in this case echo "<h3 id=\"$item_no_ext\">$item_no_ext$SP4<a href=\"#home\">[Home]</a></h3>" >>$OUTFILE echo "$SP4<a href=\"$line\">$html_file</a><br>" >>$OUTFILE cp --parent $line $BLDDIR echo $line echo $line >>$LOG copy_components fi fi # gnl20220114 - end if [[ ${array[$j]} != ${last_array[$j]} ]];then if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then echo "<h3 id=\"$item\">$item$SP4<a href=\"#home\">[Home]</a></h3>" >>$OUTFILE fi fi fi if [ $j -gt 0 ];then indent=$indent$SP4 # This is the link so copy file to www-build and get it's dependant files if [[ "$item" == *".html" ]]; then html_file=${item%.*} # remove the extension part if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then echo "$indent<a href=\"$line\">$html_file</a><br>" >>$OUTFILE fi cp --parent $line $BLDDIR echo $line echo $line >>$LOG copy_components else # Just a heading not a link if [[ ${array[$j]} != ${last_array[$j]} ]];then if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then echo "$indent$item<br>" >>$OUTFILE fi fi fi fi done ((cnt++)) #echo "$cnt $line" ### copy this array to be last_array in next iteration ### last_array=("${array[@]}") unset array # need a clean array fo rnext iteration indent="" # for Testing Only # if [ $cnt -gt 50 ];then # exit # fi done } ################################### # Footer ################################### build_footer() { echo " </body>" >> $OUTFILE echo "</html>" >> $OUTFILE } install_build() { echo "Setting permissions" chown -R glenn:glenn $BLDDIR chmod -R a+rw $BLDDIR echo "Returning a fresh copy on index.html to `pwd`" cp $BLDDIR/index.html . end=`date +%s` secs=$((end-start)) echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo $DATE echo "HTML Files:" $cnt echo "Component Files:" $COMCNT echo "Missing Files:" $MISCNT echo "Missing File List:" $MISFILE echo "Skipped Files: $skipped_cnt (html pages without the \"<title>VK4PK\" string)" echo "Skipped File List:" $SKIPPED_PAGES echo -n "Procedure Complete in " printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($secs/3600)) $(($secs%3600/60)) $(($secs%60)) # # Write to log # echo $DATE >>$LOG echo "HTML Files:" $cnt >>$LOG echo "Component Files:" $COMCNT >>$LOG echo "Missing Files:" $MISCNT >>$LOG echo "Missing File List:" $MISFILE >>$LOG echo "Skipped Files:" $skipped_cnt >>$LOG echo "Skipped File List:" $SKIPPED_PAGES >>$LOG echo -n "Procedure Complete in " >>$LOG printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($secs/3600)) $(($secs%3600/60)) $(($secs%60)) >>$LOG } ################################################################################# # Print Info ################################################################################# print_info() { if [ ${MISCNT} -gt 0 ] then echo "Missing File List:" cat $MISFILE fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [ ${skipped_cnt} -gt 0 ] then echo "Skipped Pages File List:" cat $SKIPPED_PAGES fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" } upload_build_to_web() { echo "sitecopy lyonscomputer.com.au # to list changes to live site" echo "sitecopy --update lyonscomputer.com.au # to sync the live site to local files" while true do read -p "Do you wish to run \"sitecopy --update lyonscomputer.com.au?\"" ANS case $ANS in [Yy]* ) sitecopy --update lyonscomputer.com.au ; break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done } ################################################################################### # End of fuction section ######################################################################################## if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then initialise_build ;fi if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then rotate_log ;fi if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then build_header;fi if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then build_top_index;fi if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then build_contents;fi if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then build_footer;fi if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then install_build;fi # print_info # Print the detailed logged files if [ "$operation" == "build" ];then upload_build_to_web; fi #################### End of File #########################</textarea>