
  1. Installation
  2. Activity Days



Default Australia Frequency is 7.177 MHz

FreeDV Reporter:



How To Install freedv on Ubuntu 20.04:


Activity Days

FreeDV Activity Day are generally run monthly for 48 hours from 0700Z. As a reminder, Activity Day takes place on the third weekend of every month. This event will bring together people interested in HF digital voice on the air for conversation and fun. Contacts using the official application as well as ezDV, the SM1000 handheld microphone and other supporting devices and applications are welcome.

Suggested frequencies:

(Note that LSB/DIGL is used below 10MHz as per current convention for voice modes, USB/DIGU otherwise. 60 meters is of course USB/DIGU only.)

As this isn’t a contest, there’s no pressure to make contacts or send logs, but you can always confirm QSOs via the usual means if you’d like (LoTW, eQSL, QRZ, etc.) Enabling reporting (PSK Reporter and FreeDV Reporter) in the FreeDV application and joining FreeDV Reporter and Discord are recommended, however, so others can see that you’re on the air and hearing them.

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20210926 - pre published v0.9