VK4RES - Mount Glorious Repeater

  1. Motorolla GTR8000 repeater
  2. Tower and Antenna
  3. ACMA - Site Licence Details

Thanks to Andrew, VK4QF Mt Glorious now has two standalone repeaters:
  1. VHF (2M) transmitting on 147.125 MHz with an offset of +600 KHz on receive and CTCSS of 91.5 Hz.
  2. UHF (70CM) transmitting on 439.700 MHz with an offset of -7.00 MHz on receive and CTCSS of 91.5 Hz on analog.
    This repeater is both Analog and P25 digital.
    There is an optional receive 91.5 Hz tone encoding on analog receive designed to illiminate digital noise.


Motorolla GTR8000 repeater

Moto GTR8000 repeater:


Tower and Antenna

The VHF and UHF is on the same mount and that is a RFI BA80 6 dBd binary array at 55M on the tower.



ACMA - Site Licence Details

The source of this information is the ACMA Register of Radiocommunications Licences. Use the search register with "VK4RES" in the search field. https://web.acma.gov.au/rrl/register_search.main_page

The site can be viewed on Google Maps with this KML. Download this file and save it and then select to go to Maps -27.32886°,152.75532° [KML]

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20241111 - pre published v0.9