
  1. Nets Frequency and Times
  2. HF nets
  3. Other HF Nets
  4. 2 Meter ssb nets


Nets Frequency and Times

A list of nets, classified by continent:


HF nets

80 meter nets:
Day Club Local TimeFrequency
Sunday Redcliffe Club 7:45 3.618
Monday Brisbane AR Club 8:00 3.630
Tuesday Ipswich 8:00 3.585
Wednesday Bayside's 7:30 3570
Thursday Sunshine Coast 7:30 3.660
Thursday Hervey Bay 7:30 3.615
Thursday Redcliffe Club 7:30 3.636
Friday Caboolture 7:30 3.610
Saturday Darling Downs 7:30 3.650

Also see: nets.pdf


Other HF Nets


2 Meter ssb nets

Redcliffe 2m SSB net - Tuesday 8:30 144.300 USB Vertical Polarization

Sunshine Coast 2m SSB net Sunday 7:30 144.300 USB Vertical Polarization

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20230812 - pre published v0.9