Lightning Arrestor - Polyphaser Model:IS-B50HU-C0
Polyphaser Model: IS-B50HU-C0
DC Blocked Protector 1.5MHz to 400MHz - ±1200 Vdc
Polyphaser bulkhead mounted, dc block, single transmitter coaxial lightning
protection for 1.5 MHz to 700 MHz with UHF female connectors
Frequency MHz 1.5MHz to 400MHz
Application Bulkhead Mount
Turn-On ±1200 Vdc ± 20 %
VSWR ≤ 1.2:1 @ 1.5 MHz to 400 MHz
Insertion Loss (dB) ≤ 0.1 dB
RF Power HF 3 kW, VHF 500 W, UHF 250 W
Protected Side Connector UHF Female
Surge Side Connector UHF Female
Available from:
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20180607 - pre published v0.9