The Brisbane Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a FreeDMR net on Monday nights. The Monday night FreeDMR net commences at 0900 UTC. Please set your DMR radios and devices to Talk Group 5050. The net controller, Les VK4LEZ, will call on Talk Group 505 five minutes before the start of the net and then move to TG 5050 for the net.
Local Time | Time Zone | Zone | State | Cities | Offset |
7:00pm | Australian Eastern Standard Time | AEST | Queensland | Brisbane | UTC+10:00 |
8:00pm | Australian Eastern Daylight Time | AEDT | New South Wales (except Broken Hill), Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory | Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra | UTC+11:00 |
7:30pm | Australian Central Daylight Time | ACDT | South Australia | Adelaide, Broken Hill | UTC+10:30 |
6:30pm | Australian Central Standard Time | ACST | Northern Territory | Darwin | UTC+09:30 |
5:00pm | Australian Western Standard Time | AWST | Western Australia | Perth | UTC+08:00 |