Quick Link Dashboards
Quick Link a FreeDMR Dashboard:
Australia-2 OZ-DMR HOTSPOT Dashboard - 5052 Oz DMR operated by Ozzie M0GLJ:
Australia-2 OZ-DMR REPEATER Dashboard - 5052 Oz DMR operated by Ozzie M0GLJ:
Australia-3 Dashboard - 5053 FreeDMR operated by the Bayside and District ARC in Brisbane:
New Zealand Dashboard
United Kingdom Hotspot Dashboard
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Quick Link a Pi-Star Dashboard:
Ipswich and Districts Amateur Radio Club
The Knobby - 70cm VKDMR 438.8375 -7MHz
VK4RAI - Digital Voice Dashboard (rfcomms.com.au)
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20230308 - pre published v0.9