Reflectors can be accessed on talk group 9 on slot 2 (DMR+ Network)
To access reflectors, you’ll need to program your radio a little differently. First, check the status
of your local repeater on the website or use talk group 5000. Now connect to the reflector you want by
programming its number as your TX talk group. For example, talk group 4400 is UK Calling. When you’ve
established the connection, use talk group 9 for both TX and RX for the duration of the QSO. Finally
when you’re done disconnect the reflector from the repeater by TX on talk group 4000 or do nothing and
the talk group will time out and revert after 15 minutes.
Programming your radio
The easiest way to access reflectors is by programming sequential memories with the appropriate talk groups.
Pi-Star lists Reflectors available on DMR+.