- github Firmware
- ATU-100 Extended board
- Programming Updates
- firmware version is 3.2:
- SWR greater than 1.1 will automatically activate tuning,
- Auto tuning requires 1W or greater
- Fixed bug with continuous data transfer to the display.
- bility to disable all relays along with the timer display.
- Timeout for display reset increased to 2 seconds.
- Components - Samsung SMD capacitors, C-channel capacitors, Samsung 1000V high-voltage SMD capacitors ,
- Power supply range: 10-15 VDC
- Max current: 450mA
- Max working power: 100 watts
- Max measured power: 150 watts
- Minimum power for tuning start: 1 watt Recommended maximum power
- Max power while tuning: 30 watts.
- Minimum measured power: 0.1 watt
- Step for measurement on powers under 10 watts: 0.1 watt
- Step for measurement on powers above 10 watts: 1 watt
- Power measurement accuracy: 10%
- Maximum inductance set: 8.5 uH
- Minimal step for setting inductance: 0.1 uH
- Maximum installed capacity: 1870 pF
- Minimal step for setting capacity: 10 pF
github Firmware
ATU-100 Extended board
Programming Updates
Mods ATU-100 N7DDC for QRP RTX with power lower than 5W (like FT-817):
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20200811 - pre published v0.9