Installing AllStarLink on Binary Lane VPS

  1. Binary Lane Cloud Server
  2. Video
  3. Create VPS and Install the BYO iso Image
  4. How to Delete and restart an installing the VPS
  5. Linux headers - NOT REQUIRED
  6. Network Admin and Port Forwarding
  7. VPS Build Process


Binary Lane Cloud Server

binary lane login:



Example install video:


Create VPS and Install the BYO iso Image

Image used:

  1. Create an Account at Binary Lane
  2. Create a BYO VPS at Binary Lane
  3. Updoad this image
  4. Run the image. !! NOTE must go to full screen to get response from keystrokes
  5. Install the Beta Image Ver 2.0.0. as per normal then select "Forced Shutdown"
  6. Select the Detach the Temporary Backup option.
  7. Wait a few minutes and then when the "Shutdown Reqest message pops up select "Forced Shutdown" or the detach process will fail. If the temporary drive fails to detach you will get the install screen back once again.
  8. Make a note the Public IP address
  9. Login with Secure Shell - the ASL default login is repeater and password is allstarlink. The user, repeater has sudo privileges, so you can reset the root password.
  10. Add another user - "adduser ", and give the user priviledges with the command "usermod -aG sudo "
  11. run asl-menu and follow the prompts. Instructions are here:
    Start at the "Install and configure ASL to your computer" heading.


How to Delete and restart an installing the VPS

If you wish to start over from the beginning follow these instructions:

To re-start from scratch:


Linux headers - NOT REQUIRED

Binary Lane's base images should already include the necessary Linux headers. However, if you encountering this issue, there might have been a problem with the initial setup or an update. You can try the following commands to update your package list and install the headers:


Network Admin and Port Forwarding

Binary lane does not employ any traffic shaping, filtering or restrictions above the rules you define within the mPanel Firewall for this server: External Firewall : BinaryLane

VPS Build Process

  1. Create a Cloud Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS) 2024-05-28-02-19-59.webp

  2. Load image from to the default "Backup" dirve provided. 2024-05-28-16-48-04.webp

  3. Once the download is complete the ASL install procedure should boot. 2024-05-28-16-50-11.webp

  4. Select the Virtual Disk to Partition 2024-05-28-17-00-38.webp

  5. Accept the default partitions 2024-05-28-17-01-10.webp

  6. Partition the Drive 2024-05-28-17-01-39.webp

  7. Confirm the Partitioning. 2024-05-28-17-02-08.webp

  8. Install the GRUB boot loader. Note the this will not boot until the "Backup" drive is deleted. 2024-05-28-17-09-17.webp

  9. FInish the Installation. 2024-05-28-17-09-57.webp

  10. Remove the install files. 2024-05-28-17-10-30.webp

  11. NOTE! the VPS will continue to boot the Install media until the "Backup" is detached. Select the "Detach CD button. 2024-05-28-17-14-21.webp

  12. Select "OK" to proceed. 2024-05-28-17-14-42.webp

  13. NOTE! This screen will remain for up to half an hour. However, after a few minutes the "Force Shutdown" message appears. The only way I found to complete the step is to select "Forced Shutdown".

  14. Select the "Forced Shutdown" button. 2024-05-28-17-19-04-Poweroff-Request-during-detatch.webp
  15. Select "Network" from the menu on the Left and then "Firewall" tab. The link is "". Insert your server name in the appropriate place.

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20240610 - pre published v0.9