RProgramming the RT3sadio Software
Download the latest Firmware, Code Plug Software, and USB Driver, from here:
The RT3S Manual
Downlaod the User Manual - The Guide to Programming the Radio form here:
The Brisbane Amateur Radio Club Codeplug
It is far easier to start with a pre made codeplug and make changes to is to
suit your personal needs. You MUST edit the codeplg to add your personal Radio ID
and Callsign. At the smae time check the repeater abd their talk groups are to your liking.
Download this Codeplug as a starting point:
VK4NGA's Code Plug and More
This is a codeplug designed for hotspot use. Includes VK-DMR, Brandmeister, Free DMR, TGIF.
with Duplex zone frequencies in radio: RX 434.175 TX 439.175mhz.
Git hub - VK4NGA/RT3S-Retevis RT3S Codeplugs and other stuff
Using a DMR Radio
Here are some rules to follow when using a DMR radio:
- Wherever possible use a Repeater Station. If signal strength is down use an
antenna adaptor and an external attenna.
- The DMR network need time to settle between overs. Count to ten between overs.
- Where possible have a Dashboard running and watch what is goin on.
- Call on TG505 TS2 and move to a TS1 TG with least coverage area.
Talk Groups and Time Slots
There are only two Time Slots (TS), so we must make the best use of them.
The correct procedure is to call on TG505 and then
QSY to a slot 1 TG, as this leaves slot 2 free for other stations to call on 505
Current practice is to call on TG505 and leave gaps between overs for others to call.
NOTE This only works while there is minimal traffic on TG505.
Programming the RT3s
Matt VK2-FLY's VKDMR Site
A host of Statistics on the VKDMR Network:
Repeater Status:
Hardware Specifications
Tytera MD-UV380, Tytera MD-UV390, and Retevis RT3s:
OpenGD77 Firmware Installation on the TYT MD-UV380/RT-3S
This firmware is an Alpha version, meaning not all functionality from the OpenGD77
is included and that the firmware will have many bugs.
Video describing the installation of the OpenGD77 Firmware:
Rodger Clarke, VK3KYY's installation instructions of the OpenGD77 firmware as at 17th September 2022:
Open RTX Development Status
VK2IDL.com - Amateur Radio Hobbies and Projects - RT3s page:
VK2IDL's Retevis RT3S Page:
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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