Icom IC-FR4000 UHF Repeater
- Specification
- Manuals
- Remote Connector
- Accessory Connector
- Front Panel - RJ45 Mic-Spk and Programming Jack
- Programming Software
- USB Program Programming Cable
- cpu HD64F2238F
- Serial Program Programming CableAugust 31, 1998
- Programming the FR4000 for AllStar
- Multiple AllStar Nodes on the Same LAN
- Front Panel Board Repair
- DIY Programming Cable Adaptor
- A programming Serial Interface Circuit
Icom Specification Page:
Service Manual:
IC-FR3000_FR4000_Remote_Control.pdf (Local)
FR4000 FR4100 Service Manual - ADDENDUM:
Instruction Manual:
Version 1.0 November 2007 IC-FR3000/FR4000 Series Sales Handbook:
CW Identification Setup:
Remote Connector
Accessory Connector
August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
Front Panel - RJ45 Mic-Spk and Programming Jack
Programming Software
A correctly specified programming cable is required: 3.5mm to USB or RS232 Programming Cable
Compatible Models are OPC-478 and OPC-478U
USB Program Programming Cable
USB Program Programming Cable For Icom Radio FR4000
cpu HD64F2238F
News Release August 31, 1998 - Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory:
Serial Program Programming Cable
August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
The Icom OPC-478 cable is a serial cable with a DB9-pin serial connector and uses
native RS-232 protocol
The Icom OPC-478UC is virtually the same cable but has a built-in USB to serial chip
Serial Program Programming Cable For Icom Radio OPC-592IC-FR3000 ICFR3100 FR4000
DB9 - DB25 conversion
DB9 DB25 Function
1 8 Data carrier detect
2 3 Receive data
3 2 Transmit data
4 20 Data terminal ready
5 7 Signal ground
6 6 Data set ready
7 4 Request to send
8 5 Clear to sendAugust 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
9 22 Ring indicator
August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
Programming the FR4000 for AllStar
Configure the IC-FR4000 to use an external controller; so the Icom
effectively becomes a full-duplex base station. Then, use AllStar as the
external controller. This should work great; AllStar is a very competent
repeater controller.
There is a software switch in the programming EPPT that needs to be set
to allow pin 19, external PPT, to operate.
In the software for the FR4000 under Expert->>ACC CH Selector to enable.
On the front of the repeater press the remote button which enables the
External PTT on pin 19August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
The Remote Button on the IC4000 front panel must be switched
ON to allow the enabled External PTT
to go to pin 19 of the interconnecting cable that goes to the AllStar node.
Multiple AllStar Nodes on the Same LAN
August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memory
In order Two nodes on the same LAN you need to change the bindport in
iax.conf to something other then 4569 on one and manager.conf
port to something other then 5039. For example use 4575 and
5040 on one and different for the other two. I have three inside the same LAN
with fixed ip on each and each August 31, 1998
Hitachi to Release H8S/2633F and Two Other 16-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Models with 256-kbyte On-Chip Flash Memorydifferent port numbers and ssh ports as I don’t
use the default 222 on any of them. Each should have their own ssh port which
would be forwarded in the router.
Front Panel Board Repair
DIY Programming Cable Adaptor
A programming Serial Interface Circuit
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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