YX-X1208 - Battery undervoltage protection module

  1. Specification
  2. Load Protection Examples:
  3. Voltage Setting Instruction:
  4. Microcontroled - 8S003F3P6





Load Protection Examples:

  1. Example of 12V battery: To set the 12V battery under voltage (load disconnect voltage) to 10.5V:
    When the battery voltage reaches 10.5V and below, the control panel delays
    for 6 seconds and then the load is disconnected. If the voltage increases to above 10.5V in 6 seconds, the load is re-connected.
  2. Example of 48V battery:
    Assuming the voltage of 48V battery is set to disconnect at 42V, and the
    maximum charging voltage is 57.6V. When the battery is below 42V, for
    more than 6 seconds, then the load is disconnected. If the battery voltage
    increases to 42V or above for 6 seconds, the load is re-connected)\.

Voltage Setting Instruction:

In the setting of numerical normality (digital tube flicker), start button to increase the voltage, stop the button to decrease the voltage.
  1. Start button (set the voltage of the battery under voltage, that is to disconnect the load)
    In normal display voltage normal, press the start button to display the battery undervoltage voltage. Long press the start button to stop the digital tube flickering, set the battery undervoltage voltage by start and stop button.
  2. Stop button (set the voltage of the battery over voltage, that is to connect the load)
    In normal display voltage normal, press the stop button to display the battery overvoltage voltage. Long press the stop button to stop the digital tube flickering, set the battery overvoltage voltage by start and stop button.
  3. Restore factory Settings:
    To restore the original factory settings, power up then module, hold the start
    and stop buttons at the same time, and the digital tube displays 888 to indicate success.
Note: The label “启动” on the board means start; “停止” means stop.


Microcontroled - 8S003F3P6


The STM8S003F3/K3, 8S003F3P6 value line 8-bit microcontrollers offer 8 Kbytes of Flash program memory, plus integrated data EEPROM. They are referred to as low-density devices in the STM8S microcontroller family reference manual (RM0016).

The EEPROM supports up to 100000 write/erase cycles, advanced core and peripherals running at 16 MHz clock frequency, independent watchdogs with separate clock source, and a clock security system.

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20190505 - pre published v0.9