Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software (NBEMS) is an Open Source software suite that
allows amateur radio operators to reliably send and receive data using nearly any computer
(Windows, Mac, and Linux) and any analog radio without requiring a dedicated digital
infrastructure or specialized modem hardware.
NBEMS uses the FLDIGI suite of software routines that emulate the hardware modem, compute
the error correction and format many standard message forms (to include ICS forms).
FLDIGI emulates many modems for different applications; we use the MT-63-2KL for UHF/VHF
messaging. NBEMS works with Windows, Linux and Mac computers and can be used on HF too.
There is even an Android app.
For Digital Voice (DV), there are four applications that have been used for transmitting digital voice on the amateur bands
Jared Szechy's DSD package is able to decode several digital voice formats from a discriminator tap audio and synthesize the decoded speech. Speech synthesis (encoding) requires mbelib, which is a separate package.
DV4mini just acts as an Internet gateway (hotspot).
The Internet networks that it can access are various, and depend on the system used (eg C4FM Fusion),
but it can't directly go onto Yaesu's Wires-X network as their gateways (hotspots) are their own boxes that have to be individually subscribed to them.
The DV4mini can bridge networks, so for example I've had my DV4 mini on the FSC0001 network and talking to our 70cm repeater on the Wires-x network (as I'm near enough to the repeater).
Some others have permanently bridged networks using a similar technique.
There is also a version of the DV4mini with the AMBE chip piggybacked so you can use it with a microphone / speakers directly.
There are also lots of other products doing similar things - like openspot I think.
NANO-SPOT is a c self-contained digital hotspot supporting DMR, Dstar, P25 and System Fusion communications. Fully assembled and tested in a ruggedized extruded aluminum enclosure. All that's required for operation is a power source and a WiFi based internet connection. Pi-Star Digital Voice Software pre-loaded and easily upgraded via software.
Micro Node International web site:
This is the source code of ZUMspot/MMDVM_HS, personal hotspot (ADF7021 version of
the MMDVM firmware), based on Jonathan G4KLX's MMDVM software. This firmware supports
D-Star, DMR, System Fusion, P25 and NXDN digital modes.
This software is intended to be run on STM32F103 microcontroller. Also, Arduino with
3.3 V I/O (Arduino Due and Zero) and Teensy (3.1, 3.2, 3.5 or 3.6) are supported.
You can build this code using Arduino IDE with Roger Clark's STM32duino package, or
using command line tools with ARM GCC tools. The preferred method under Windows is
using STM32duino, and under Linux or macOS (command line) is using STM32F10X_Lib.
juribeparada/MMDVM_HS - Firmware for ZUMspot / MMDVM_HS (D-Star, DMR, YSF, P25 and NXDN)
This project provides a Raspberry Pi Hat for the MMDVM_HS Hotspot. It was designed
for the Raspberry Pi Zero, but should work on any other Pi with the Hat interface.
mathisschmieder/MMDVM_HS_Hat - MMDVM_HS Hat for the Raspberry Pi (Zero)"
MMDVM May 8, 2017 · Ready to Ship the ZUMSpot Libre Kits by Bruce Given. Has the ST Link and the Blue pills all programmed with Boot loaders and MMDVM code so all you have to do is solder it together and plug it into a MMDVMhost... Send a email and we will get them out the door this week.
The source code is available for download at
Pi-Star is a web based digital voice dashboard and configuration tool written by
Andrew Taylor MW0MWZ, and in the format of a custom, pre-configured SD Card image
for the Raspbperry Pi and other ARM based single board computers.
Andy's web site is
Pi-Star can be downloaded here:
C4FM-FUsion is a system developed by YAESU. It is based like DMR on 4FSK, and also
transmits 4 frequencies with a total data rate of 9600 bits/s. It uses the same AMBE+
Codec as DMR, but needs only 3600 bits/s. The extra bits are used in C4FM-Fusion in a
different ways. They can be used for data transfer (e.g. GPS) but also for additional
error correction to make the speech more stable during interference. There is also a
mode for high speech quality which uses all bits for speech only.
gr-ysf is a collection of GNU Radio Modules to decode Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) C4FM packets.
The Motorola DR3000 is a $5,000 repeater. It has trunking capabilities. Motorola salesperson recommend looking at Hytera or even better a Vertex EVX-R70 at about $3000. Apparently they are hard find them since Motorola has dominated the market.
Internally the system appears to have been made from two 70cm stock TYT Mobile radio units TH-9000D modified to become one RX and one TX. There is a custom built control mechanism which utilizes an ARM processor with two audio/digital processing chips. There is at present no way to change the firmware that controls the repeater. The Tytera TYT MD-8500 UHF 400-470MHz DMR Digital & Analog repeater is available from Aliexpress.
Tytera TYT MD-8500 UHF 400-470MHz DMR Digital and Analog Repeater
The suppliers is TYT:
Front View and internal views of the MD-8500 DMR Repeater consists of HR-9000D Radios and a Logic control box.
DMR Repeater Under side view shows duplexer and control logic box
Overview of Adaptive TDMA
A reflector can be considered to be similar to a repeater, but with no RF capabilities. Reflectors are Internet connected servers, generally in datacentres, which receive a transmission from a connected gateway (via the Internet) and send it out to all other connected gateways for retransmission, via RF in the case of a repeater. The term gateway is used in the broader sense, which includes devices such as dongles and DVAPs (See Diagram below).
The XLX AMBE is a server running on debian linux. It runs as a daemon service.
The software is available from github and operates on several network.
The XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector Server
It requires apach2 web server, php, and g++.
The software looks pretty simple to install. The hardware hookup may be another matter.
Also would chew the bandwidth if it became a popular reflector.
The ports it uses tells a lot about it. Hopefully, it support transcoding between all protocols, though I seriously doubt it …
XLX Server requires the following ports to be open and forwarded properly for in- and outgoing network traffic:
TCP port 80 (http) optional TCP port 443 (https) TCP port 8080 (RepNet) optional UDP port 10001 (json interface XLX Core) UDP port 10002 (XLX interlink) TCP port 22 (ssh) optional TCP port 10022 UDP port 30001 (DExtra protocol) UPD port 20001 (DPlus protocol) UDP port 30051 (DCS protocol) UDP port 8880 (DMR+ DMO mode) UDP port 62030 (MMDVM protocol) UDP port 10100 (AMBE controller port) UDP port 10101 - 10199 (AMBE transcoding port)
BrandMaster/BrandMeister is an operating software for Master servers participating in a worldwide infrastructure network of amateur radio digital voice systems. BrandMeister allows you to connect to MOTOROLA DMR-MARC and Hytera DMRplus networks this means you operate on both infrastructures the same time.
The CQ-UK group provide links to FM, C4FM, DMR and D-STAR to allows all modes to be able
communicate with the other in one place regardless of Repeater access or equipment owned.
Thanks to the hard work of MI5DAW Rickie, GM7KBK Ernie DMR C4FM and D-star can now
communicate together thru the CQ-UK room.
CQ UK's C4FM Fusion reflector is named CQ-UK and has a dtmf node id of (27793)
Rickie MI5DAW hosts an XLX925 reflector with extensive digitallinking from his home
here in Belfast and maintains a web site
He has two modules going A and B and further plans to create more Modules and linking.
At the moment the xlx925 runs A module and xlx922/xlx925 run B module.
Automatic Link Establishment, commonly known as ALE, is the worldwide de facto
standard for digitally initiating and sustaining HF radio communications.
ALE is a feature in an HF communications radio transceiver system that enables
the radio station to make contact, or initiate a circuit, between itself and
another HF radio station or network of stations. The purpose is to provide a
reliable rapid method of calling and connecting during constantly changing HF
ionospheric propagation, reception interference, and shared spectrum use of busy
or congested HF channels.
A standalone ALE radio combines an HF SSB radio transceiver with an internal
microprocessor and MFSK modem.