xlog-data - logging application for Amateur Radio
- Installation Instructions
- Operating Instructions
- POTA - Parks On The Air Specifics
xlog is a logging program for amateur radio operators which can be used for daily logging and contest.
- Logs are stored into a text file.
- QSO’s are presented in a list.
- Items in the list can be added, deleted or updated.
- For each contact, dxcc information is displayed and bearings and distance is calculated, both short and long path.
- When hamlib is enabled through the menu, you can retrieve frequency, mode and signal-strength from your rig over the serial port.
Installation Instructions
How To Install xlog-data on Ubuntu 22.04:
Operating Instructions
Xlog, a logging program for Amateur Radio Operators:
POTA - Parks On The Air Specifics
POTA Logging Requirements:
POTA logs must be submitted on the POTA site in ADIF format.
Use the "File --> Export" menu option and select the "adif v3" file format to create the ADIF file.
The file name must have the format, <callsign>@<park-number>-<yyyymmdd>.adif".
Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl20241221 - pre published v0.9