BUILD on R2 27th Janruary 2018 - (RTL-SDR.COM RTL820T2 TCXO BIAS-t HF V3):
1. Torrent download and extract aprs-igate.img
2. APRS Passcode Generator VK4PK Passcode: 23289
3. Run update and upgade
4. Change Pi password
5. Run Config and Set Locals and IP address
6. edit ~/sdr.conf Set callsign and Long and Lat
APRS Reporter
This reporter uses the vox facility and is not recommended for APRS transmitter
because of the time delay of starting and finishing transmision.
Super Simple APRS Position Reporter
A GPS daemon is required to read the output of an external GPS unit.
A full discusson about gpds can be found here:
Below are the instruction to install gpsd on a linux system:
GPIO to PPT using an optocouplier
Components for GPIO to radio via optocoupler;
R1 - Resistor, e.g. 1K2, to reduce voltage on the IC pin 1
IC - Integrated Circuit; this sketch shows an IC, such as a
4N33 or PS2603 Optocoupler, which uses a Darlington pair transistor.
(Note: to identify pin #1, look for a small embossed circle on the top
of the IC above pin 1; or looking into the notch in one side of the IC
with the pins down, pin #1 is to the right of the notch.)
D1 - Diode, e.g. IN4001, would shunt any potential reverse voltage that
might damage the sensitive diode/emitter in the IC.
(Note: the band printed on the diode marks the cathode end, which
attaches to the Serial Port/IC Pin 1 line in the sketch above.
The opposite/anode end attaches to Ground.)
The ideal components for your circuit may vary because of your radio's requirements.
For example, you might be able to use a different type of IC, such as a 4N25 or PS2601,
but that may require a different value for R1.
Tait Computer Interface
Tait Front Panel RJ12 plug Interface. This replaces the microphone if the Tait is only for digital operation.
Direwolf is a software "soundcard" AX.25 packet modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder.
It can be used stand-alone to observe APRS traffic, as a tracker, digipeater,
APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate).
Issue this command to test the Network Time Protocal:
If you do not see NTP2 then you misconfigured the pps_gpio driver.
The serial time is provided to ntpd on NTP0, the PPS time is on NTP2, not on NTP1 like described earlier.
So your ntp.conf will need to be adjusted. See the details below.
Details about the NTP running on the Raspberry Pi single board computer can be foun here:
The Raspberry Pi as a Stratum-1 NTP Server
In Australia, a single national 2m frequency is used for APRS: 145.175 MHz
For Mobile stations, the path of APRS v WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 is used nationally.
For Fixed stations, a path of APRS v WIDE2-1 is generally recommended.
ESP32IGate is a Internet Gateway(IGate)/Dital Repeater(DiGi) with TNC Built in that is implemented for Espressif ESP32 processor: